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Why Do Your Dog's Feet Smell Like Corn Chips?


As a proud dog owner, you have probably encountered the peculiar smell of corn chips wafting from your puppy's paws. This strange phenomenon occurs due to a combination of your dog’s natural sweat secretion taking place in their paws. This moisture in combination with daytime heat can cause bacteria and yeast to grow causing that distinct corn chip smell!


However don’t be alarmed, this smell is a common occurrence in dogs, and is caused by them constantly licking their feet. The bacteria that reside in your puppy's paws are a natural feature of our canine friends. However, sometimes our pups carry too many of these bacterial agents which can cause irritation and inflammation which may result in your dog’s aggravated chewing. 


When you notice your dog’s behavior changing in this manner in addition to the smell of corn chips, it’s time to take them to the vet. 


How Can I Get Rid of The Smell?

If there’s no sign of infection or irritation, but you’d still like to remove the scent from your puppy's paws, there is a way to reduce the scent:


  • Soak your dog’s paws in warm water and wash their paw pads with a hypoallergenic soap. 
  • Be sure to thoroughly dry your dog’s paws after their cleaning as well as trimming any hair popping between their paw pads. 


The takeaway is that this corn chip smell is a normal feature of our pup’s paws, but sometimes there is cause for concern that will require a visit to the vet. 


We’ll Pamper Your Pup at Life of Riley 

If your dog is in need of a proper pampering, then look no further than Life of Riley! Our team of talented groomers have decades of experience styling and grooming dog’s to show-ready standards. Our groomers can take a look at your puppy's paws and get rid of any scents or odors you would like to have washed away. For more information, call or visit our website to schedule your pup’s pampering today!

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