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Celebrating Halloween with your Pet


The end of this year is quickly approaching and you know what that means - a string of holidays to end the year with a bang! First up: Halloween. 

Even though many of us have been stuck at home in quarantine, there are still some ways we can enjoy the October festivities with our favorite little pet! Here are some ideas:


  • Dress up in costumes: Dress up your pet in a pet-friendly Halloween costume! There are many do-it-yourself costumes that you can make at home, or pick one up from your local store. Just make sure that the costume you use is pet-friendly, so avoid anything with small choking hazards.


  • Carve a puppy pumpkin: Carve a pumpkin for you and your pet! Pumpkins are very healthy for both dogs and cats and offer a variety of health benefits including:
    • Improves digestive health
    • Improves urinary health
    • Aids in weight loss


  • Make healthy pet-friendly desserts: Traditional Halloween candy can be dangerous for pets to ingest, so as an alternative, you can make healthy pet-friendly desserts at home. In general, you want to avoid anything with chocolate, xylitol, grapes, added sugars, and alcohol. Check out this list for some cool and pet-friendly ideas!


  • Snuggle up and watch a scary movie: Is there really anything more fun than snuggling up with your pet and watching a movie? Since it’s Halloween, watch a scary movie with you and your pet! Don’t worry, you can cuddle your pet extra hard during the scary parts!

For Post-Celebration Grooming, Visit Us at Life of Riley

We know Halloween can be a fun holiday to celebrate! If your pet needs a nice and professional pamper and groom after the festivities, swing by Life of Riley Pet Hotel & Spa in the Rockville and Adams Morgan areas! Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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