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Tips To Keep Our Rockville Pets Safe This Holiday Season


As we enter the holiday season, our minds turn to busy shopping malls and festive parties. We think of the joys of spending time with family and friends. But there’s another side to this season. The safety and well-being of our pets can be compromised, even put at risk by the very things we love most about this time of year.

Holiday dangers can come in many forms, so it’s important to be aware and take precautions as we celebrate with family and friends.


Keep Decorations Out Of Reach

Holiday decorations can be tempting to curious pets, who may try to eat them or play with them and get themselves into trouble. 

Tinsel, ribbons and everything shiny: Keep all holiday decorations out of your dog's reach, especially tinsel and ribbons, which can be swallowed or cause intestinal blockage.

Christmas tree: If you have a live Christmas tree, keep it away from areas where your dog can reach it. Trees can be toxic to dogs if they eat the needles or swallow any decorations that contain hazardous materials.

Christmas lights: Christmas lights are very tempting for dogs, who may try to play with them or even chew on them. Strings from Christmas lights can cause strangulation, and chewing on cords can shock your pet.

Holly and mistletoe: The berries of holly plants are toxic to dogs and cats and can cause gastrointestinal distress, with symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. Symptoms of mistletoe poisoning are more severe and include diarrhea and vomiting, weakness, and difficulty breathing.


Dangerous Food Items To Avoid

Holiday foods and treats are the highlights of the festive season. Unfortunately, many of these foods can be toxic to dogs.

Chocolate: Chocolate is a common holiday treat for people, but it’s also very dangerous for dogs. Even small amounts of chocolate can cause cardiovascular problems in pets. Different types of chocolate in varying concentrations and forms contain different levels of theobromine and caffeine, which can cause serious health problems and even death in dogs. The darker the chocolate, the more dangerous it is for your dog.

Turkey: White turkey meat is generally safe for dogs, but we need to watch out for dark and seasoned meats, which can cause digestive problems in your pet. Turkey bones are especially risky because they are fragile and sharp, posing a threat to your dog's digestive tract.

Nuts: While nuts are high in fat, some are more dangerous to dogs than others. For example, pecans and hickory nuts can lead to gastric intestinal upset, while walnuts can result in seizures. According to studies, Macadamia nuts are known to cause a lack of muscle control, lethargy, tremors, and fever.

As Pet Parents, one of the most important things we can do during the holiday season is to be aware of potential hazards for our pets. Knowing what to look out for is the first step toward keeping our furry friends safe during the holidays.

You should immediately contact your vet if your pet ingests hazardous foods, decor, or plants. 


Your Pet Is In Good Hands This Holiday Season With Life Of Riley Pet Resort And Spa

At Life of Riley, we treat your dog as a valued family member and ensure their needs are met no matter how small. Whether you’re away from home on a trip or your dog needs to be groomed before an upcoming show, entrust our team with the care of your four-legged family member.

Need a safe & fun place for your pet to stay during the holidays? Book your pet's boarding appointment now before we book up!


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